How the journey began


Patrycia Rzechowka was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2012, after graduating with her criminology degree from University of Alberta just a few months earlier. Since then, she has focused on fighting the disease, while still trying to live life to the fullest. Today she is one of Edmonton’s most active spokespersons for the MS Society, earning her two National Philanthropy Day Awards from the Association of Fundraising Professionals and Edmonton’s Avenue Magazine chose Patrycia as one of their Top 40 under 40 in 2017 at just 28. Patrycia is the Chair of the Edmonton Chapter Council of the MS Society and works for the Public Security Division of the Alberta Justice Ministry.

She stays active to combat MS symptoms and participates in walks, bike tours, and fundraisers. Her drive to raise awareness and advocate for others living with MS has taken her across the country all the way to the Canadian House of Commons as well as International Conferences as far away as Sweden. A documentary about her passion and purpose, entitled MS’ed with the Wrong Girl was released in July of 2019. Patrycia is a celebrated, inspirational advocate for the value of activity to one’s health and wellness and many other causes.

What People Are Saying

Hard to know this human and not love her. She has more strength, courage and heart than a lot of people. She is as fun as she is hard working. As kind as she is fierce. As humble as she is beautiful. I’m grateful to know her and for her contributions to our community here in Edmonton and throughout Canada.

— RUTH, B.

Patrycia - you are an inspiration. Your story has helped me through the pain of my father's death from MS and has encouraged me through years of Bike Tours in the rain and wind, just knowing the strength of your commitment and love. Thank you for this.


You are a true inspiration Patrycia. Thank you for all you do for those of us living with MS.

— BARB, W.

So excited that Patrycia is willing to be a part of this program. The participants are in for a whole lot of inspiration!


“I focus so much on what I am able

to do that even I sometimes forget

that I have struggles

that people can’t see.”

PR ♡