Doug Hansen

Doug Hansen

How do I even begin to describe you? I struggle to explain who you were to me because really, you were so much. I don’t know how one person can impact so many aspects of another’s life, but you did and that is truly what made you so special to me and so many people in your life.

I can bet that anyone that knows you, even in passing has a Doug story. As I sit here and try to write this through tears, I refuse to believe that there will be no more new Doug stories, because these stories have had some of the greatest impacts on my life.

I rode my first MS Bike Tour completely alone, I knew no one, not even staff and had no team. I qualified for a Tour of Champions in Miami after that first year and was determined to go. Again, knowing no one. Little did I know I was about to be pulled into a whirlwind that would completely change my life forever. That whirlwind was you. I don’t even really remember exactly how it happened to be honest. One moment I met you and the next it was like I had known you forever.

You rode into Miami with Paul from somewhere in Georgia that day I met you and I remember thinking there is no way I could ever ride hundreds of kilometers just to get to a ride. Ha! Boy was I wrong… The first day of that ride in Miami I tried to keep up with the group of Canadians and I had a choice, go straight and ride 80 miles or turn and ride 100 miles. It was a split second decision, but in that moment you promised you would never leave me so I turned. Only 3 of us turned, you, me and Chris. You both never left me that day and you never did since. Not just that day, but always. What I can’t comprehend right now is that I truly believed you never would for my whole life.

Describing you as a friend isn’t enough, you were so much more than that over the years. We have biked so many thousands of kilometers through all sorts of terrain and weather and slept in some interesting motels, that kind of thing creates a bond that I will never be able to explain. You were a teammate, even a roommate, but sometimes you were like a dad, because you always protected me, but also pushed me to be my best while caring so deeply. Even my mom, who always worries, worried so much less during our adventures, simply because I was with you. It was in your nature, you were many amazing things throughout your life, but of all of them, you were the most amazing father. Anyone can see it when they meet your spectacular girls. Each of them is as talented and brilliant as you but in their own beautiful and unique ways.

Whatever you were, you changed my life. My world will never be the same without you. I would not be who I am today if you hadn’t worked your Doug Magic.

That expression “My Ride or Die” couldn’t describe us better. That first ride together in Miami we rode through a crazy storm got to the end of it and then somehow once the storm was over, had to surrender our numbers if we wanted to finish the ride. And we did! My first back to back century ride. The first of so many incredible rides and the best times. After that I became a Happy Fillmore, there was no going back. Throughout the years you were the one who was always there, you kept me safe. It was only because of you I did all the wild adventure rides. Boston to New York to Philadelphia, then Portland to San Francisco up and down that beautiful California coast. These were some of the most unforgettable experiences of my life and how we ever made it out of Newark alive I will never know.

I loved that no matter where we went you always had to find each city’s Hard Rock Café to get your collectables, and that it didn’t matter that a cook book weighed 10 pounds, you were getting it because it was signed by Guy Fieri. But you didn’t just get one, you got 2 and rode a couple hundred kilometers with them in your saddle bags. No extra challenge was too much for you, you always found a way to make it work and to keep us all laughing at the same time. You were the guy who would give anyone the shirt off your back, but also the guy that would trade someone shirts if you thought it would make a good story or keepsake. My MS Jersey from San Francisco will always remind me of your ability to talk your way into or out of anything.

The technical difficulties that you had with your bike were always something else. From broken pedals to melted rims, literal melted rim, you couldn’t make these things up. But it’s not like you could easily find replacements at your average bike shop (which was already often impossible to find on the road), no your gear was one of a kind like you. You were also so giving that you gave up your helmet when someone else forgot theirs so that they could ride, but we all knew it was because you wanted to nap a little longer until someone could bring an extra.

The other thing you did was bring me into the Sherwood Park Toyota Pedal Power fundraiser. Now sure we can give Art the credit for creating the event and bringing us together, but I know for sure that first year when you were trying to find riders, your mind went to, I know a girl that will do this. Seeing the support and passion you had for the MS Bike Tour, as someone newly diagnosed with MS, I knew anything you put your time and energy into had to be amazing, so I was in. This fundraiser brought you, me, Art and Jordan together and also created a bond like no other. Riding year after year, sometimes even for 24 hours straight, all night long does that to people. Our group became more than just pedal power, it was funny chats, fun events and nights together that included wine but we weren’t on bikes. Even throughout COVID and Jordan moving away, we managed to keep it up, now I have no idea what we are going to do without The Doug.

As I look through years and years of memories, it is incomprehensible to me that you will no longer be there to make more with. The countless board or council meetings, conferences, A&W events, walks, golf tournaments, MS Rides near and far, training rides and so much more all were made better, simply because you were there. It was riding that brought us together, but it was the long decorative hotel pillow fights, the silly ideas, late night chats and laughs that made us so close. Even when I launched this website a year ago you took it upon yourself to send me a note through the website with words of encouragement.

“This is so well done Patrycia. So proud of you and all that you are. People living with MS are so lucky to live vicariously thru you and your many activities and accomplishments.”

I am all that I am because you took a terrified 24 year old trying to act tough in the face of an incurable chronic illness under your wing and showed her what she could do with the right support and the right attitude. You made me brave enough to inspire others to do the same. You never, ever looked at me as anything less than amazing, even when MS tried to make me feel like I wasn’t. You were one of my greatest cheerleaders and because of that I accomplished so much.

I have done my best to navigate the past 2 years, to make the best of situations, waiting patiently to be able to adventure with you again. But this is the first time I am mad, I am furious about the time that was stolen that could have been spent with you. I know deep down there is no sense of being mad about this, but for right now being mad can at least keep me distracted from dealing with trying to accept the impossible realization that you are gone.

The amount of times I walked in a room or event that of course you were there, because you know everyone and it was astounding. You were hands down one of the busiest people I knew but you always had this way of still making everyone around you feel special. Seeing you even after some time was like no time had passed at all. Your smile made everyone around you light up. The impact you had on the lives of so many will never be able to be measured. It is truly impossible to quantify how profound of a loss this is for so many, especially your beautiful family, your amazing wife and girls were everything to you. I will miss so dearly the regular updates about their latest accomplishments.

For now please share your stories of Doug to distract from a loss that I fear will only get worse to come to terms with before it gets any easier, as we are forced to go through all of the firsts without him. The MS Bike Tour will never be the same again, but I don’t want it to be, I want to keep making it better in his honour, the way he always tried to.

I will never be the same again but I also don’t want to be, I want to be the person you saw, because my god did you ever make me feel incredible, like I could accomplish anything I set my mind to. And I will Doug, I promise you, I still will. Many times you referred to us as family and we were, we were chosen family. I will love you always. Please keep watching over me, until we meet again.


