The MS Resistance

I am so excited to partner with Roche Canada for #TheMSResistance #ad to put a face to this fight that is happening everyday, to show that we are not powerless against MS.

In comparative mythology, the “hero’s” journey is structured around someone who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis and comes home transformed. I have never been comfortable when someone uses the H-word to describe me, but the way this was described it got me thinking. My life is the adventure, and the crisis is being diagnosed with MS, but what about the decisive, victorious and transformed elements of that?
Decisive crisis, what does that mean? To me it was hearing the words “you have MS” and almost immediately making the decision not to give up. To do what I could to not let MS win, not in the sense that I could change it, but instead to help others who have it. To not only fight to manage but fight to be part of raising awareness and funding research.

Victorious, have I been victorious? I don’t know if you can ever “win” at living with MS, but what I have done despite living with it, not only physically for myself but for others living with MS could maybe be called victorious. And finally returning transformed. That I can agree with. My life is not what I thought it would be, but the focus of fighting for myself and for others lit a fire that transformed how I live my life. MS is part of my life, but I do what I can to take control. I have always done things my own way, always feisty and stubborn, and that hasn’t changed, instead MS has helped me channel it for good!

I don’t know about you, but I find nowadays every email I get from someone I don’t know I am immediately skeptical. But something about it seemed legitimate so I wrote back. Turns out it was the most amazing opportunity! The more I learned about this project the more excited I became. It was a chance to help raise awareness around a website about all things MS, I was sold. It was amazing to me to see a drug company interested in showing people how to manage their MS that isn’t just convincing them to go on their medication.
The MS Resistance is a place that shares resources and stories to help individuals figure out the path forward with MS that is best for them. It is a place that shows that we are not powerless against MS. Everyone’s MS is different and though there is no “one size fits all” approach to treatment, those living with MS can reclaim their power by having informed conversations with their healthcare team about a disease management strategy that is right for them. Click here to see more!


It’s time.


MS Awareness Month